About Us

The Mersey Review is a quarterly online literary journal obsessed with the written word, the unwritten word, the yet-to-be-written word, & the forgotten word. We love artistry, brevity, community, & incredulity. Our favourite piece of writing advice isn't really writing advice at all, but a line from an Emily Dickinson poem:   'Tell all the truth but tell it slant—'.

Our aim is to showcase the breadth of talent in contemporary writing whilst also being a space that welcomes new & emerging writers, underrepresented & marginalised writers, traditional & experimental writers, & even you (yes, you! You know who you are).

If we vibe with you, then come vibe with us! You can find out what we’re after on our submissions page; if words are involved then you can bet we’re interested — honestly, even if words aren’t involved, there’s probably a decent chance we’re still interested. We aren’t a paying market, at the moment, though we hope this will change in the future!

City Riverside


Editor-in-Chief Sean Cunningham (he/him)

Sean is a writer, editor, & library assistant, from Liverpool. His writing has been nominated for Best of the Net, & has appeared in The Indiana Review, Ellipsis Zine, Rejection Letters, Splonk, Bending Genres, & elsewhere. He previously worked as an editor at Flash Fiction Magazine, & likes diced strawberries in his chilli — it’s good, okay? Find him on Twitter (or ‘X’, whatever): @_seanjc

Portrait of the artist as a human