A Few Words

Melissa Llanes Brownlee










What was the inspiration, or the seed, for this piece?

It started out from a prompt in a SmokeLong Quarterly workshop last summer - fairytale character(s) at a speed-dating event - and from there I chose the Disney versions of these particular characters.

People always ask how you got into writing, but what keeps you writing?

I will be honest, other writers. Being in community with so many amazing writers, especially flash writers, keeps me motivated to keep challenging myself.

What benefits, do you feel, come from subverting fairytales & portraying them through a modern lens?

I think fairy tales at their core were warnings or lessons, oral traditions of what not to do. Don't stray from the path. Don't trust strangers. Don't eat people's houses. After being churned through the Disney mill, these same stories became entertainment, easily consumable with happy endings that rarely existed in the originals. I think writers who choose to subvert fairy tales are offering a new way to warn, to teach, to entertain. In my instance, I wanted to entertain by subverting the stereotypical straight monogamous happy endings. I wanted to show that maybe our fairy tale characters might want a different kind of happy ending.

And, lastly, what is the most challenging part of writing fiction, for you?

Trying not to write about the same things over and over. And yet, I keep coming back to certain themes, certain characters, and I just feel the need to keep writing about them. So, my challenge is to find a new lens for these themes and characters.

You can read Melissa Llanes Brownlee’s piece, So This Is Love?, here.

So This Is Love? appeared in The Mersey Review 2 (Spring 2024)

Melissa Llanes Brownlee (she/her), a native Hawaiian writer living in Japan, has work published and forthcoming in Craft, swamp pink, Pinch, Moon City Review and The Threepenny Review. Read Hard Skin from Juventud Press and Kahi and Lua from Alien Buddha. She tweets @lumchanmfa and talks story at melissallanesbrownlee.com