Three Drawings

Lorraine Caputo

Outside My Window

Playa Escondida

Secret Garden

Artist’s Statement:

These works are “art meditations” – I cannot answer from where the images come (only that some are influenced from places I have come to know in my journeys) nor how long it takes to complete one. Once I settle in to drawing, all borders of time and space dissolve ….


I invite people to color my drawings … a sort of mandala …

Lorraine Caputo’s artwork is in private collections and has been published in dozens of international publications. Her poems and travel narratives appear in over 400 journals on six continents and 23 chapbooks – including In the Jaguar Valley (dancing girl press, 2023). Ms. Caputo continues journeying south of the Equator.

You can read Lorraine Caputo’s Few Words here.